Embrace your biblical femininity, find freedom, and build confidence as a homemaker!
Join me and discover what it means to "get it all done" with Scripture as our guide. Find out how Proverbs 31 applies to your unique season of life (because guess what...the Proverbs 31 woman had seasons of life too!) with my free webinar below.
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As Christian women, we often feel pressured to be everything to everyone at all times. If we fulfill this expectation, we must be embracing our biblical femininity...right?
Scripture doesn’t call us to be perfect. Rather, God calls us to be holy. But, what does THAT even mean and HOW do we do that??
Since college, I have tried to live by the motto, “Excellence over perfection.” But, it has taken over a decade of actually living out this motto to really appreciate how excellence looks different at different stages of life. With each twist and turn of this journey, I have had to redefine excellence based on those twists and turns.
I think that a lot of people from the outside looking in must think that I live the perfect life. I have a wonderful and loving husband and four beautiful children, I live on forty acres in a 4,000 square foot house, and I get to stay home with my children full-time (I also have seven adorable cats – as a crazy cat lady, this also is a dream come true, haha!). And, yes, I have an amazing life that I could have never imagined living and I am so incredibly grateful to the Lord for all He has blessed us with. BUT…I still struggle with my perfectionist tendencies and they can be strong enough to make me frustrated with all of these amazing gifts – because I CANNOT do it all. As I have grown in my faith and as a person, I have realized that “doing it all” looks different based on the current needs of myself and my family.
So, I invite you to join me on this journey of growth and sanctification. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. But, I can seek to cloth myself with strength and dignity, look “well to the ways of [my] household”, and “not eat the bread of idleness”. If you too want to fully embrace your season of life and learn to not be obsessed with presenting a perfect life and home to the world, but to rather be a biblically feminine woman, this is just the place for you. Welcome, sister.

Meet Lorraine
From Home Economics Major to Homemaker, I thought I had homemaking in the bag...
Christian | Survivor | Wife | Mom of 4 | Homemaker

I enrolled in a private Christian college in southern California and majored in Home Economics-Family and Consumer Sciences. I really did not know what career to pursue, but I did have a passion to work with birth mothers and adopted children and I hoped to be a wife and mother someday. So, Home Economics seemed like a good fit.
Contrary to what some might think, the courses, projects, and research papers in this major were intense. We continually looked to the Proverbs 31 woman as our guide and, boy, is she intimidating! Whether it was learning about food science, clothing construction, or child development, our inspiration came from this “perfect” woman. All my life all I wanted to be was the perfect daughter, perfect Christian, perfect wife, perfect mom, etc. and based off of the Proverbs 31 woman, it appeared that this was what God obviously wanted me to be. As I struggled through my personal life (which is a story for another time) and sought Scripture continually, I finally realized that Scripture does not ever call this Proverbs 31 woman “perfect” – God calls her “excellent”!
“Excellence over perfection” became a life motto. But, I still struggled heavily with the burden of becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I heard from a respected preacher that Proverbs 31:10-31 isn’t a single snapshot of this woman’s life – it is a picture of her ENTIRE life. And then I heard it from another preacher and ANOTHER - she isn’t doing all of these amazing things all at once! How had I never realized or heard this before?? Suddenly, it all made sense. God understands our weakness and our frailty and doesn’t call us to be perfect women – He calls us to be godly women who seek Him and His kingdom first. And this looks different for us all in our different seasons of life! Now, my goal is to embrace who I am in Christ and to be a biblically feminine woman based on the stage of life that He has currently called me to – and that is good and pleasing to Him.
We are in this together!
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